NAVY HISTORY - Command Structure

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The expansion of the Canadian Navy in 1939 and then the accelerating growth of the roles, vessels and activities which were assigned to it, led to a new culture, structure, command and control design and overall redesign of the Canadian Navy’s organization. This reorganization continued throughout the war and by August of 1945 Canada had the third largest navy in the world in terms of vessel’s manpower and tonnage. The management of this process was a tribute to the leadership of the RCN and the heritage and experience gained from the Royal Navy and the new superpower, the USN.

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1939 Structure

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1941 Structure

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1945 Structure

WW II Chief's of Naval Staff

P.W. Nelles
Vice Admiral
P.W. Nelles
July 1934 January 1944 9 years
G.C. Jones
Vice Admiral
G.C. Jones
January 1944 8 February 1946 2 years